
From MAP Wiki
Revision as of 22:28, 29 May 2024 by Lecter (talk | contribs)

Note: and all associated services are currently unavailable with no clear prospects. Donations are still appreciated to bring some of the sites back.

Freak University was a network of sites (a Mastodon instance, an archiving space, an anonymous ask site) that were very important for the map community and other paraphiliacs. Here you can donate Monero to cover some of its costs and potential future maintenance costs.

[monero:47tmKTdK9vwZWH7hEtpTL4LxRjPqtFAd8UZsg1C84h1tN7gMRcR1147VTZVJp2dtvu35vMuYr3szLVCNUDDRmhEBS4F9zBw?tx_description=Donation%20to%20Freak%20University Donate Monero]

You can donate here

Current costs

Item Cost
Domain name $33.25/year
Email $10 / year
Legal counsel Assessed as needed