Virtuous Pedophiles

From MAP Wiki

Virtuous Pedophiles, or virped, is an online group and forum board dedicated to minor attracted people who wish to be non-offending.[1]

Mission statement

In virped's own terms, non-offending includes avoiding child sexual exploitation material, sexual encounters with minors, and other sexual actions done to children. While it's asked you don't, virped is known for being open to people addicted to CSEM, but only if you are trying to stop. Many virpeds use this to vent frustration, shame, and other feelings about addictions, attractions, and daily life alongside spreading positivity and support to others.

They also list education and campaigns on pedophilia on their mission statement.


VirPed was founded by Ethan Edwards and Nick Devin. Their copyright and founder's message indicate it was created in 2012.


Virped has a small forum you can join by emailing them, posts are heavily monitored and new posters have to be checked each time they upload.

The forum program is "phpBB"

In the media

Everything from support to hate can be seen when looking for virped in the media. While not everyone supports them,[2] many news stations have reported positively on the organization,[3] claiming it's the first step in CSA prevention.


  2. allyn walker advocacy for destigmatizing pedophilia is terrifying nonsense,VerBruggen, R. (2021, December 23). Terrifying nonsense on pedophilia. City Journal
  3. professor on leave after comments about people attracted to minors,Juzwiak, R. (2021, November 19). Professor on leave after comments about people attracted to minors: 'it's frustrating to be misunderstood'. Jezebel. Retrieved January 24, 2022, from