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Mapmisia denotes prejudice and hate towards maps. It can be institutional and manifest as mandatory report laws, e.g. where your doctor must treat disclosure of mapness as a threat to children, acceptance of conversion therapy for maps, and prioritization of non-map voices in map issues. It can also be perpetrated by individuals, in the form of verbal and physical abuse. Mapmisiac people can also be called anti maps, or antis.

History and significance of the term

The word "mapmisia" was coined in the first half of 2019 by paraphiliac activist Kamui. He used a Greek root "misos", denoting hatred. This term replaced a slightly older version, "mapphobia", spontaneously created by several bloggers analogously with "homophobia" and "transphobia". Calling hate of maps "mapmisia" allowed to separate it from real phobias. For example, "pedophobia", often used by online trolls as a fancy synonym for their prejudice[1], is a medical term that means a pathological fear of children[2].

Mapmisia in society

In the most general sense, any assumption that a map is less capable or less trustworthy than a peer attracted person is mapmisiac. Such judgment of maps is a foundation for their mistreatment, because they're believed to not know what's best for them, and their attraction is seen as an inherent risk. Maps are also less believed when speaking about their experiences and barred from representing themselves due to epistemic injustice[3].


Maps have virtually no opportunity to speak for themselves in society. The representation of mapness is done by peer attracted people, many of whom are ignorant and use mapness solely as a subplot for dramatic criminal stories. Scientific and educational materials on mapness (especially the ones that use the term "pedophilia") mostly describe how to single out and isolate maps, instead of the help and support a map might need. There exists a strong push against maps organizing and trying to help each other, as it is believed any map group is inherently sexual and focused on child abuse. Map advocacy groups and individual accounts on social media are frequently deleted in absence of any rule violation.


Historically, medical theory viewed mapness as a risk factor and a sexual perversion, and all therapy efforts were aimed at converting maps into peer attracted people. This therapy was often forceful and included elements of sexual assault, such as, demanding patients to masturbate to particular scenarios. Many male maps were put on libido-lowering medication, and the doctors treated loss of sex drive as a success, despite the fact that the attraction itself stayed [4]. Nowadays there exist researchers and therapists who are much more humane and progressive. An example of this progress is B4U-ACT, a collaboration between maps and doctors, which pushes for a more map-centric approach to map therapy [5]. But choosing a doctor as a map is still a gamble.


A map's first exposure to mapmisia is most likely connected not to doctors and not to science, but to their own parents. Very few people in English speaking countries avoided warnings about pedophilia in youth, often with additional threats of violence towards pedophiles. Such threats are meant to make the child feel protected, but a map child will internalize a different message and believe their own family is unsafe for them. In case they try to seek support online, they will meet a range of bullies and stalkers. A number of young maps committed suicide as a result of such treatment.

Misdirected mapmisia

Some groups of peer attracted people are believed to be connected to maps and receive a portion of hate and pushback. These groups include LGBTQ people, neurodivergent people, and certain ethnicities. Their interactions with each other and with children are policed to a much larger degree than those of the privileged majority, and their self expression is often sexualized. In attempts to separate themselves from mapness, they often become the most violent perpetrators of individual mapmisia. Society as a whole becomes more mapmisiac because of their actions, and their own condition is worsened[6][7].

Internalized mapmisia

After being exposed to mapmisia in society, a map may internalize this attitude. Internalized mapmisia can push a map to seek validation from peer attracted mapmisiacs, submit themselves to control and monitoring, and regard maps who don't follow their example as rapists in the making. Internalized mapmisia is one of the most common mechanisms behind pedophilic disorder. One of the dangerous cognitive distortions maps with internalized mapmisia resort to is that their mapmisia is a guarantee against sexual offending. However, there exist examples of extremely self hating maps with anti map views, who hid past contact offenses or CSAM addiction.

Another important thing to note is that mapmisia in society is not the fault of mapmisiac maps, and the most hateful mapmisiacs are still more often peer attracted.

Mapmisiac language

This is a short list of words and phrases that are frequently used as insults and slander against maps, regardless of the map's age, personal beliefs, and legal history.

  • Groomer. In child sexual abuse prevention "grooming" is most frequently defined as "manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught"[8]. Map bloggers were always accused of being groomers, very often in absence of anyone antis could name as a plausible victim. 2022 saw a rise of grooming accusations against non-map queer people, which has led to this word being branded a homophobic slur[9], while its widespread usage against maps still remains unaddressed.
  • Kiddie diddler. This is a synonym for a child molester that is often perceived as invalidating or disrespectful by many child sexual abuse survivors.
  • Nonce. This British slang word may have originated from the culture of prison violence ("Not On Normal Communal Exercise" to denote a prisoner that can't be allowed near other prisoners for safety reasons) or come from a homophobic slur "nance"[10].
  • Pred, predo, ped. "Pred" is a word that appeared first as short for "predator". Predator hunters tend to call all maps "predators" and consider these groups synonymous; "predo" and "ped" emerged as a mix of "pred" and "pedo". This chain of words should not be confused with "ped" in "pedage", a transage term for people who identify as prepubescent children, which was independently coined[11]. Some maps put "pedo" in this category too and consider it a slur because of how often it is used derogatorily. This is debated, however.
  • Sexual urges. Mapmisiacs who don't want to acknowledge minor attraction as a real attraction with a possibility of clear preferences use these words to pose it as an urge to have sex with any random child instead.
  • Sexualization of children. Maps are accused of sexualizing children due to a belief that you can only be sexually attracted to what is already inherently sexual. Sexualization of children is prohibited by Terms of Service of many social media platforms, and completely nonsexual map blogs were terminated with this accusation being listed as the reason.

Day of Remembrance and Solidarity

The 14th of July was proposed as the "Day of Remembrance and Solidarity with the victims of pedophobia"[12]. On that day Bijan Ebrahimi, a disabled Iranian person, was killed by neighbors over false child abuse suspicions. A site titled pedophobiavictims maintains a list of people who died because of stigma of minor attraction, ranging from a civil rights defender who fought for maps and committed suicide to a little child who behaved sexually and was killed by parents[13].

The mapmisia awareness flag

The flag is a slightly brighter version of the map flag with outer stripes blacked out and a blood drop slightly offcenter. It is based on how the map flag appeared in 2022 on r/place, a Reddit event where users create art by placing dots. The map flag was erased and painted over multiple times before the canvas finalized[14], and the resilience in face of erasure is seen as symbolic.


  1. "I am a proud pedophobe" via, a Qanon-affiliated site.
  2. Pedophobia (Fear of Children), Cleveland Clinic.
  3. Epistemic injustice, Wikipedia.
  4. Immutability, B4U-ACT’s Summary of MAP Research.
  5. Psychotherapy For Maps, B4U-ACT.
  6. Gays Against Groomers, Wikipedia.
  7. yandere-angela, vaspider via Tumblr.
  8. Grooming: Know the Warning Signs, RAINN.
  9. Anti-LGBTQ+ ‘groomer’ slur explosion linked to ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law in eye-opening report, PinkNews.
  10. Nonce, Wiktionary.
  11. Pedage, Radqueerz Wiki.
  12. Day of Remembrance and Solidarity, pedophobiavictims.
  13. Memorial Book, pedophobiavictims.
  14. r/place atlas, 2022.