List of paraphilias
This list of paraphilias is inspired by the Wikipedia paraphilia list[1] and includes content from several sources that were previously used by members of paraphiliac communities[2][3][4]. This list is meant to respond to a need for a resource that is inclusive of nonsexual paraphilias and free of medicalizing and stigmatizing language.
Paraphilias are divided into kinks (attractions to activities), fetishes (attractions to objects and body parts), and attractions to beings. All other divisions and categories, given in this article, are approximate and made up by the author for simplicity of classification.
This category includes attractions to activities.
Bodily Functions
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Bromidrophilia, also bromidrosiphilia, olfactophilia, osmolagnia, osphresiolagnia | Smells and odors emanating from the body |
Coprastasophilia | Constipation |
Coprophilia, also scat, skataphilia, fecalphilia, fecophilia | Feces and defecation |
Dacryphilia | Tears and crying |
Defecaloesiophilia | Painful bowels movements |
Emetophilia, also vomerophilia | Vomit |
Eproctophilia, also flatuphilia | Farting |
Feederism | Eating, feeding, and weight gain |
Hygrophilia | Body fluids |
Hypnophilia | Sleeping |
Idrophrodisia | Sweat |
Lactophilia | Lactation and breast milk |
Menophilia | Menstruation |
Omorashi | Having a full bladder and/or wetting oneself, seeing someone else experiencing a full bladder and/or wetting themself |
Ptaerophilia | Sneezing |
Renifleurism | Smell of urine |
Somnophilia, also dormaphilia | Sleeping or unconscious people |
Tussisophilia | Coughing |
Urolagnia, also urophilia | Urine and urination |
Violence, Pain, Harm
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Agonophilia | Pseudo rape, consensual non-consent[5] |
Albuminurophilia | Albumen in the urine or kidney disease |
Algolagnia, also algophilia | Pain, also ability to receive pleasure from pain due to a difference in how your brain interprets stimulation[6] |
Amokoscisia | Mutilation |
Anginophilia | Angina |
Anophelorastia | Ravaging and defiling |
Anthropophagolagnia | Raping and then cannibalizing another person[7] |
Anthropophagy | Ingesting human flesh |
Apotemnophilia | Having a healthy body part amputated |
Asphyxiaphilia, also asphyxiophilia, hypoxyphilia | Lack of oxygen and choking |
Asthenolagnia | Humiliation |
Autassassinophilia, also autoassassinophilia | Being in life-threatening situations, one's own death |
Autodermatophagia | Ingesting one's own flesh |
Autohaemofetishism | Bleeding oneself |
Automasochism, also autosadism | Inflicting pain on oneself |
Barysadism | Inflicting extreme pain or harm |
Bastinado | Foot torture[8] |
Biastophilia, also raptophilia | Rape[9] |
Cancerophilia, also carcinophilia | Cancer |
Cholerophilia | Cholera |
Chremastistophilia, also harpaxophilia | Being robbed or held up |
Contreltophilia | Sexual abuse |
Cypridophilia | Sexually transmitted diseases |
Dacnolagnomania, also erotophonophilia, homicidophilia | Murder |
Dermographism, also triviphilia | Scratching or cutting one's skin so marks appear |
Dermatosiophilia | Skin disease |
Diabetophilia | Diabetes |
Dippoldism | Physical child abuse |
Ecorchement, also mastigothymia | Flagellation |
Emapihtophilia | Gore |
Enissophilia | Criticism, verbal attacks |
Epistaxiophilia | Nosebleeds |
Hematolagnia | Drinking or looking at blood |
Krouophilia | Beating another person |
Leptosadism | Inflicting mild pain or harm |
Lyssophilia[10] | Rabies |
Masochism, also odynophilia | Receiving pain |
Mastigophilia | Punishment |
Mazoperisis | Mutilation of breasts |
Narkobiastophilia | Drugging and raping another person |
Phalloorchoalgolagnia | Torture of a penis and/or testicles |
Phagophilia, also vorarephilia | Eating living beings or being eaten |
Phygephilia | Being a fugitive |
Piquerism | Piercing the flesh of another person, most commonly by stabbing or cutting the body with sharp objects |
Pligonophilia | Scarification, burning, branding |
Pugilism | Punching or being punched |
Rhabdophilia | Flogging |
Sadism | Inflicting pain |
Sklaviaphila | Slavery |
Souvliphilia | Impaling another person, being impaled |
Symphorophilia | Witnessing or staging disasters such as car accidents |
Syntrivo̱philia | Crushing someone |
Tamakeri | Ball busting, kicks to the testicles |
Taphephilia | Being buried alive |
Traumaphilia | Wounds, trauma |
Xylismaphilia | Spanking |
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Cherophilia | Joy |
Hedonophilia | Pleasure |
Kopophilia | Exhaustion |
Lyssophilia[11] | Being angry or upset |
Phobophilia | Fear |
Zelophilia | Jealousy |
Other Experiences
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Acarophilia, also amychophilia | Scratching, being scratched |
Aeronauseophilia | Airsickness |
Afophilia, also aphephilia, chiraptophilia, haptephilia, naphephilia | Being touched |
Agateophilia, also dementophilia | Insanity |
Agathophilia | Kindness |
Agnotitaphilia | Chastity |
Agrexophilia | Others being aware of one's sexual experiences |
Agroikophilia | Roughness (both of personalities and of acts) |
Aisthitirakiphilia | Sensory deprivation |
Akophilia | Hearing |
Allodoxaphilia | Different opinions |
Allopellia | Watching sexual activity (a form of voyeurism) |
Allorgasmia | Fantasizing about someone other than one's partner(s) |
Amaxophilia | Riding in a car or a wagon |
Ambulophilia | Walking |
Amnesiophilia, also athazagoraphilia | Forgetting, being forgotten |
Angaliaphilia | Cuddling, soft forms of intimacy |
Ankylophilia | Immobility of a joint |
Anuptophilia | Staying single |
Apodysophilia | Undressing[12] |
Apopnigophila | Face sitting |
Ataxiophilia | Loss of muscular coordination |
Atychiphilia, also kakorrhaphiophilia | Failure or misfortune |
Autagonistophilia | Being on stage or on camera |
Automysophilia | Being dirty |
Autoscophilia, also autoscopophilia | Looking at one's own body, particularly genitals |
Aviatophilia, also aviophilia | Flying |
Barosmia | Smelling |
Basiphilia | Falling or being unable to stand |
Basoexia, also kfiliphilia | Kissing |
Candaulism | Exposing one's partner to others |
Capnolagnia | Smoking |
Catapedophilia | Jumping |
Catagelophilia | Being ridiculed |
Catheterophilia | Use of catheters |
Cathisophilia | Sitting |
Ceraphilia | Dripping hot wax |
Chorephilia, also chorophilia | Dancing |
Chrematistophilia | Paying for sex |
Cleithrophilia, also clithrophilia | Being trapped |
Climacophilia | Falling down stairs |
Clinophilia | Falling asleep |
Cofortiphilia, also aptophilia[13] | Grooming (as in, manipulating into a relationship) |
Cordophilia, also merinthophilia, vincilagnia | Being bound |
Cratolagnia | Displays of strength |
Cryptoscopophilia | Watching others during private moments (a form of voyeurism) |
Cuckolding | Infidelity |
Cyberphilia | Internet |
Deipnophilia | Dining (social situation) |
Didaskaleinophilia | School |
Dikephilia | Justice |
Dipsophilia | Drinking alcohol |
Doxophilia | Expressing opinions and receiving praise |
Dromophilia | Crossing streets |
Dishabiliophilia, also ecdyosis | Undressing in front of others |
Dystychiphilia | Accidents[14] |
Ebriuphilia | Intoxication |
Ecdemolagnia, also hodophilia | Travel |
Ecouteurism | Eavesdropping, listening to people engaging in sexual activity |
Electrophilia | Electric stimulus |
Eleutherophilia | Freedom |
Endymasiaphilia | Cosplay |
Endytophilia | Remaining clothed during sexual activity |
Enkuopoiphilia | Impregnation |
Ergasiophilia, also ergophilia | Work, labor |
Erotographomania | Erotic writing |
Erythrophilia | Blushing |
Eremophilia | Loneliness |
Exhibitionism | Being watched |
Febriphilia, also fibriphilia, fibriophilia | Fever |
Forniphilia | Turning a human being into a piece of furniture |
Frotteurism | Rubbing against a person[15] |
Gamophilia | Marriage |
Gerascophilia | Aging, growing old |
Gregomulcia | Being fondled in a crowd |
Gymnocryptosis | Telling others about your sexual experiences |
Gymnophilia, also omolagnia | Nudity |
Hamartophilia, also pecattiphilia | Sinful acts |
Harmatophilia | Sexual incompetence |
Homilophila | Sermons and prayers |
Homeovestism | Wearing clothes typically associated with one's gender |
Hybriphilia | Being worshipped |
Hyphephilia | Touching skin, leather, hair ot fur |
Iatronudia | Medical procedures and equipment |
Inflatophilia | Body inflation |
Kinesophilia | Exercise |
Kleptolagnia, also kleptophilia | Stealing |
Knismolagnia, also titillagnia | Tickling |
Laliophilia | Public speaking |
Lockiophilia | Childbirth |
Medolalia | Talking about penises |
Mixoscopia | Watching one's partner engage in sexual activity with someone else |
Moriaphilia | Telling dirty jokes |
Narratophilia | Monologues, narrations, conversations[16] |
Nepirasty | Handling an infant |
Normophilia | Normal acts |
Ntiskophilia | Rave party aesthetic, atmosphere, clothing |
Odaxelagnia | Biting or being bitten |
Oneirophilia | Dreams |
Orgiophilia | Orgies |
Ourithrasiphilia | Sounding/urethral play[17] |
Paichnidirolophilia | Roleplay |
Pathophilia | Illness |
Peiramaphilia | Experimenting on someone, being experimented on |
Peniaphilia | Poverty |
Peodeiktophilia, also peiodeiktophilia | Exposing one's penis (a form of exhibitionism) |
Phronemophilia | Thinking |
Pnigophilia | Chocking |
Procticophilia, also anocratism | Anal play[18] |
Proktikoglepismophilia | Rimming[19] |
Psavophilia | Fingering[20] |
Psellismophilia | Stuttering |
Pteronophilia | Being tickled by feathers |
Pygotripsis | Rubbing buttocks |
Sarmassophilia | Kneading flesh |
Scopophilia | Staring |
Seduziphilia | Glam aesthetic |
Selgolalia, also lagnolalia | Telling stories with sexual themes |
Serviphilia | Serving |
Sophophilia | Learning |
Stasibasiphilia, also stasiphilia | Standing or walking |
Stygiophilia | Going to hell |
Synallassomaiphilia | Sexual bribery |
Tantalolagnia | Teasing |
Taphophilia | Funerals |
Tarichefsipihilia | Mummification |
Teleophilia | Religious ceremonies |
Telephonicophilia | Phone calls[21] |
Tepistaphilia | Punk aesthetic and attitude |
Testophilia | Taking tests |
Thlipsosis | Pinching |
Tikolobomassophilia | Nibbling on someone's earlobe |
Tithiolagnia | Breastfeeding |
Tomophilia | Surgeries |
Toxophilia | Archery |
Triolism, also troilism | Threesomes |
Tripsolagnia | Having one's hair washed |
Tripsolagnophilia, also tripsophilia | Massage |
Trypanophilia | Injections |
Uranophilia | Cosmos, celestial objects |
Vaccinophilia | Vaccinations |
Vincilagnia | Bondage |
Voyeurism | Watching other people |
Xenoglossophilia | Foreign languages |
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Achluophilia, also lygerastia, lygophilia, nyctophilia, scotophilia | Darkness/night |
Acrophilia, also altophilia | High places |
Actirasty | Sunlight |
Aeroacrophilia | Open high places |
Aerophilia, also anemophilia | Air, wind or drafts |
Agoraphilia | Open or public places |
Amathophilia | Dust |
Antlophilia | Floods |
Augophilia | Bright light |
Barophilia | Gravity |
Bathyphilia | Depth or deep water |
Brontophilia, also ceraunophilia, kerauniphilia, tonitrophilia | Thunder and lightning |
Cenophilia, also kenophilia | Empty spaces |
Chasmophilia | Nooks, crannies, crevices, chasms |
Cheimaphilia, also cheimatophilia, psychrocism | Cold, ice, winter |
Chionophilia | Snow |
Claustrophilia | Closed spaces |
Coimetrophilia | Cemeteries |
Cremnophilia | Cliffs/precipices |
Crepusculaphilia | Semidarkness, halflight, twilight |
Cryophilia | Extreme cold, frost |
Cymophilia | Waves |
Demophilia, also enochlophilia, ochlophilia | Crowds |
Lilapsophilia | Tornadoes |
Lithophilia | Stones, gravel, mud |
Nebulophilia | Fog |
Nemophilia, also ylophilia | Forests |
Oikophilia | One's own home |
Ombrophilia, also pluviophilia | Rain |
Potamophilia | Streams, rivers |
Pyrophilia | Fire |
Thalassophilia | Sea |
Thalpotentiginy | Heat, warm weather |
Xerophilia | Dryness |
Other Events And Processes
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Ablutophilia | Baths and showers |
Acerophilia | Sourness and sour things |
Acousticophilia | Noise |
Aeriophilia | Anesthesia |
Apeirophilia | Infinity |
Ataxophilia | Mess, untidiness |
Atelophilia | Imperfection |
Atomosophilia | Atomic explosions |
Autodysomophilia | Bad odors |
Cacophilia | Ugliness |
Cainophilia, also cainotophilia, centophilia, kainotophilia, neophilia | Novelty, change |
Chromatophilia | Colors |
Cryptophilia | Forbidden knowledge, secrets |
Epistemophilia | Knowledge |
Ereuthophilia, also erythrophilia, erytophilia | Red color |
Euphilia | Goodness |
Exophilia | The bizarre or unusual (also aliens) |
Geusophilia | Tastes |
Knissophilia | Incense-burning |
Ligyrophilia | Loud noises |
Melanophilia | Black color |
Melolagnia | Music |
Metamorfosiphilia | Transformation |
Metrophilia | Poetry |
Onomatophilia | Certain words or names |
Ozolagnia | Smells |
Phonophilia, also voxophilia | Voices |
Salirophilia | Soiling and dirtying |
Xanthophilia | Yellow color |
This category includes attractions to nonsexual body parts (partialism) and inanimate objects (objectophilia).
Body Parts
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Acomoclitia | Hairless genitals |
Acucullophilia | Circumcised penises |
Akrovystiaphilia | Foreskin |
Alvinolagnia | Stomachs |
Alvinophilia | Belly buttons |
Aptophilia[22] | Unusual or inconvenient anatomy |
Cardiophilia | Hearts |
Cheirophilia, also chirophilia, quirophilia | Hands |
Crurofact, also crurophilia | Legs |
Dermaphilia, also dermatophilia | Skin |
Diatrypophilia | Body piercings |
Dontophilia, also gomphipothia, odontophilia | Teeth |
Dysmorphophilia | Physical deformities |
Geniophilia | Chins |
Genuphilia | Knees |
Hircusophilism | Underarm hair, armpit hair (a form of trichophilia) |
Gynelophilia, also hirsutophilia | Body hair (a form of trichophilia)[23] |
Macrogenitalism | Large genitals |
Macrophallophilia | Large penises[24] |
Mammagymnophilia, also mastofact, mazophilia | Breasts[25] |
Maschalagnia, also maschalophilia, masehalophilia, maschalophilia, axillism | Armpits |
Matiaphilia | Nonhuman-looking eyes, contact lenses |
Metopophilia | Faces |
Microphallophilia, also nanophallophilia | Small penises |
Nasophilia | Noses |
Navel fetishism | Navel |
Oculophilia | Eyes |
Onychophilia | Fingernails |
Organofact, also partialism | Body parts (umbrella term) |
Ossophilia, also osteophilia | Bones |
Podophilia | Feet |
Pubephilia | Pubic hair |
Pygophilia | Buttocks[26] |
Rhytiphilia | Facial wrinkles |
Spermaphilia | Sperm |
Splanchnophilia | Internal organs and bowels |
Sthenolagnia | Muscles and displays of strength |
Stigmatophilia | Body modifications, such as piercings and tattoos |
Stomaphilia | Mouths |
Tatouaphilia | Tattoos |
Trichophilia, also chaetophilia | Hair |
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
ABDL, also diaper fetishism | Diapers |
Agalmatophilia, also galateism, statuephilia, statuophilia | Statues, mannequins |
Agyrophilia | Streets |
Aichmophilia, also belonephilia, enetophilia | Needles or other pointed objects |
Albutophilia, also aquaphilia, undinism | Water |
Alliophilia, also scorodophilia | Garlic |
Altocalciphilia | High heels |
Amaurophilia | Blindfolds |
Anaclitism | Objects which one was exposed to as an infant |
Anapnefstiphilia | Respirators |
Androidism | Humanoid robots |
Arachibutyrophilia | Peanut butter |
Arithmophilia | Numbers |
Astrophilia | Stars or celestial space |
Asymmetrophilia | Assymetrical things |
Atephilia | Ruins |
Athlitikopanopliaphilia, also athlitikaypostirktiphilia, athlitikomoiophilia | Sports gear[27] |
Aulophilia | Flutes |
Aurophilia, also chrysophilia | Gold |
Aurorophilia | The Northern Lights |
Ballistophilia | Missiles, including bullets |
Baloniphilia, also balloonism, looning | Balloons |
Bibliophilia | Books |
Blennophilia | Slime |
Botephilia, also retifism | Shoes and boots |
Carnophilia, also metephilia | Meat |
Catoptrophilia, also eisoptrophilia, katoptronophilia | Mirrors |
Chemophilia | Chemicals |
Chrometophilia | Money |
Chronomentrophilia | Clocks |
Cibophilia, also sitophilia | Food |
Condusphilia | Condoms |
Cometophilia | Comets |
Crystallophilia | Crystals or glass |
Cultrophilia | Knives |
Curvaphilia | Objects with a curvy or circular shape |
Cyclophilia | Cycles, bicycles |
Decalophilia | Decals, stickers |
Doraphilia | Leather |
Ecclesiophilia | Churches |
Elastophilia | Elastic materials |
Endytophilia | Clothes (umbrella term) |
Fimotrophilia | Gags |
Formaphilia | Objects with a certain shape (umbrella term) |
Gantiphilia | Gloves |
Graphelagnia, also grapholagnia | Pornographic pictures |
Hematigolagnia | Bloody sanitary pads |
Hierophilia | Sacred objects |
Hoplophilia | Guns |
Hypephilia | Fabrics |
Icolagnia, also iconolagny | Art depicting nudity |
Inflatophilia | Inflatable objects |
Kalsonphilia | Stockings |
Kaltsephilia | Socks |
Klismaphilia | Enemas |
Kommiphilia | Latex and rubber |
Korsesiphilia | Corsets |
Koukoulaphilia | Masks/hoods |
Lastichegantiaphilia | Latex gloves |
Liquidophilia | Liquids |
Logizomechanophilia | Computers |
Lykraphilia | Lycra, spandex, darlexx |
Mechanophilia | Machines (trains, cars, etc.) |
Megalophilia | Large objects |
Motosikletaphilia | Motorcycles, biking equipment |
Mucophilia | Mucus |
Mysophilia, also stercoracism, molysmophilia | Dirtiness, soiled or decaying things |
Neopreniophilia | Neoprene |
Objectophilia | Inanimate objects (umbrella term) |
Orthodontiphilia | Teeth braces |
Pediophilia | Dolls |
Periorismophilia | Restraining devices |
Pharmacophilia | Drugs |
Pictophilia | Pictures and images, possibly erotic |
Placophilia | Tombstones |
Planopiaphilia | Metal armor |
Plastiphilia | Plastic |
Plushophilia | Stuffed toys |
Potophilia | Alcohol |
Poupoulophilia | Puffer jackets and their material; feathers and down |
Pupaphilia | Puppets |
Pygmalionism | Own creations/work |
Renophilia | Fur |
Robotism | Robots |
Septophilia | Decaying or infected matter |
Siderodromophilia | Trains |
Silikoniphilia | Silicone |
Staurophilia | Crosses, crucifixes |
Stratiophilia | Military gear |
Subvestiphilia | Underwear |
Technophilia | Technology |
Tetagophilia | Objects with a straight shape |
Thorakisiphilia | Chainmail armor |
Tziniphilia | Denim, jeans |
Univestiphilia | Uniforms |
Vinyphilia | Vinyl |
Xyrophilia | Razors |
Xylophilia | Wooden objects |
Attractions To Beings
This category includes attractions to human and nonhuman beings.
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Adophilia | Adults (umbrella term) |
Alphamegamia | Older or younger people |
Anililagnia, also matronolagnia | Older women[28] |
Autonepiophilia, also nepioprepeiaphilia, paraphilic infantilism | Imagining oneself as a baby/toddler |
Autopedophilia | Imagining oneself as a child |
Chronophilia | An age group (umbrella term) |
Ephebophilia, also phebophilia | Older adolescents and young adults |
Gerontophilia | The elderly |
Graophilia | Elderly women |
Hebephilia | Pubescent people |
Infantophilia | Babies[29] |
Mesophilia | Middle-aged adults |
Minor attraction | Children and young adolescents (umbrella term) |
Nepiophilia | Babies and toddlers |
Pedophilia | Prepubescent children (typically over the age of 5) |
Pedovestism | Dressing like a child[30] |
Teleiophilia | Young and mature adults |
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Aelurophilia, also Ailurophilia | Cats |
Agriozoophilia | Wild animals |
Alektorophilia | Roosters, chicken |
Antholagnia, also anthophilia, fleurophilia | Flowers |
Anthropomorphilia, also anthrozoophilia, furry | Fictional human-animal hybrids |
Apiophilia, also melissophilia, barlophilia | Bees |
Arachnephilia | Spiders |
Autozoophilia | Imagining oneself as a nonhuman animal |
Bacillophilia | Microbes |
Bacteriophilia | Bacteria |
Batrachophilia | Frogs |
Biophilia | Living beings (umbrella term) |
Botanophilia, also floraphilia | Plants (umbrella term) |
Bufonophilia | Toads |
Canophilia, also cynophilia | Dogs |
Chiroptophilia | Bats |
Delphinophilia | Dolphins |
Dendrophilia | Trees |
Dinophilia | Dinosaurs |
Dracophilia | Dragons and serpents |
Equinophilia, also hippophilia | Horses |
Entomocism, also entomophilia | Insects |
Ichthyophilia | Fishes |
Isopterophilia | Termites |
Lepidopterophilia | Butterflies, moths |
Lutraphilia | Otters |
Musophilia | Mice |
Mycophilia | Mushrooms |
Ophidicism, also ophidiophilia | Reptiles[31] |
Ornithophilia | Birds |
Ostraconophilia | Shellfish |
Phallainophilia | Whales |
Phthiriophilia | Lice |
Pteridomania | Ferns |
Selachophilia | Sharks |
Vermiphilia | Worms |
Vixenamoria, also vixenamory | Foxes |
Zemmiphilia | Mole rats, possibly other hairless animals. |
Zoolagnia, also zoophilia | Nonhuman animals (umbrella term) |
This category includes preferences for different kinds of relatives. These terms should be regarded as inclusive of both blood relatives and chosen relatives.
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Aimomixiaphilia, also consanguinamory, consanguinophilia, synegenesophilia | Relatives (umbrella term)[32] |
Fratrilagnia | Brothers |
Incestophilia | Incest (as in itself; personal preference for relatives is not implied) |
Matrilagnia, also matrolagnia | Mothers |
Novercamania | Stepmothers |
Patrolagnia | Fathers |
Pentheraphilia | Mothers-in-law |
Soceraphilia | Parents-in-law |
Sorophilia, also sororilagnia | Sisters |
Thygatrilagnia | Daughters[33] |
Vitricophilia | Stepfathers |
Other Parameters
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Abasiophilia | People who use leg braces or other orthopedic
appliances |
Acrotomophilia, also amelotasis | Amputees |
Allotriorasty | People of other nations or races |
Amaurophilia | Inability to see or blindness |
Amputeeism, also apotemnophilia | Imagining oneself as an amputee |
Anasteemaphilia | Taller or shorter people |
Androgynophilia | Androgyny |
Andromimetophilia | Female crossdressers[34] |
Angelophilia | Angels |
Anthrozoomimetophilia, also furry | People dressing up and roleplaying as anthropomorphic animals |
Antiphilia | Antis |
Aphenophilia | Rich people, wealth |
Aretifism | Barefoot people |
Autiphilia | Autistic people |
Autoandrophilia | Imagining oneself as a man/masculine (not exclusive to any sex or gender) |
Autoandrogynephilia | Imagining oneself as an androgyne/androgynous, having both male/masculine and female/feminine traits (not exclusive to any sex or gender) |
Autogynephilia | Imagining oneself as a woman/feminine (not exclusive to any sex or gender) |
Autophilia | Oneself (an umbrella term)[35] |
Autoplushophilia | Imagining oneself as a stuffed toy |
Autovampirism, also vampirism, succolamiaphilia | Imagining oneself as a vampire |
Bejerophilia | One's abuser |
Celebriphilia | Celebrities |
Coulrophilia | Clowns |
Cyprinophilia, also cyprianophilia, pornolagnia | Sex workers |
Daimonophilia, also demonophilia | Demons |
Dentophilia | Dentists or dentistry |
Equestrianism, also ippasiaphilia | People roleplaying as horses or ponies |
Exophilia | Aliens (also the bizzare and unusual) |
Fictophilia | Fictional characters |
Fujiphilia | Gay men |
Gaetophilia, also wiccophilia | Witches and witchcraft |
Gynemimetophilia, also gynandromorphophilia | Male crossdressers[36] |
Hermaphroditphilia | Intersex people[37] |
Himephilia | Lesbians |
Hybristophilia | Criminals |
Kansosiaphilia | Authright people or ideologies |
Katoteritaxiphilia | Chavs/gopniks |
Kefáliphilia | Capitalists or capitalism |
Kormáphilia | Anarchists or anarchism |
Lipophilia, also adipophilia, liposiphilia | Fat people |
Macrophilia | Giant beings, the imagined growth of beings |
Maiesiophilia, also maieusiophilia, maieusophila, tocophilia, parturiphilia | Pregnant people and pregnancy |
Maniaphilia | Insane people |
Microphilia | Small beings, the imagined shrinking of beings |
Morphophilia | Particular body shapes or sizes (umbrella term) |
Nanophilia | Short people |
Necrophilia | The dead[38] |
Necrobiophilia, also pseudonecrophilia | People pretending to be dead |
Parthenophilia | Virgins |
Peladophilia | Bald people |
Pirophilia | Communists or communism |
Poképhilia | Pokémon (a form of fictophilia) |
Politicophilia | Politicians |
Potestaphilia | People who have authority over oneself |
Pseudozoophilia | People pretending to be animals |
Santaphilia | Santa Claus |
Savantophilia | Mentally disabled people |
Schediaphilia, also toonophilia | Cartoon characters (a form of fictophilia) |
Spectaphilia | People who wear glasses |
Spectrophilia | Ghosts |
Tarachopoiophilia | Skinheads |
Teratophilia | 1. People with physical body variations. 2. Monsters[39] |
Threpterophilia | Female nurses |
Transvestic fetishism | Crossdressing[40] |
Transvestophilia | Crossdressers |
Tromophilia | Eldritch horrors |
Xenophilia, also zenolimia | Strangers |
Zeusophilia | Gods |
Mixed Category
Paraphilias in this group include attractions to atypical beings with additional preference for objects, body parts, and activities.
Paraphilia name | Focus of attraction |
Anthropormorphicaphilia, also zoomorphiaphilia | Transformation into an animal |
Cnidophilia | Stings |
Faunaphilia, also faunoiphilia, mixoscopic zoophilia | Watching animals mating (a form of zoophilic voyeurism)[41] |
Fictophiliac minor attraction, also kodocon | Fictional children and young adolescents |
Formicophilia | Being crawled on by insects |
Misophilia | Hate groups that target one's identity, being hated |
Mixoscopic bestialism | Watching sexual acts between humans and animals (a form of zoophilic voyeurism) |
Zoopedophilia | Animal cubs |
Zoophilic exhibitionism | Being watched by animals |
Zoophilic voyeurism | Watching animals |
Zoosadism | Nonhuman animals in pain[42] |
Zoovoxphilia | Animal voices |
- ↑ List of paraphilias, Wikpedia.
- ↑ A "Comprehensive" List of Paraphilias. 547 Entries. Just pick a letter and run with it. Imgur via
- ↑ Corrected List of Philias, AlphaDictionary.
- ↑ Fetish Definitions,
- ↑ Unlike with biastophilia, consent is one of the components of the attraction. If you seek consensual rape roleplay not only for ethical reasons, but because consent excites you, you are an agonophile.
- ↑ Algolagnia, Wikipedia.
- ↑ There's nothing in the word itself that would suggest rape. I'd use it for just sexual cannibalism. But oh well.
- ↑ It is unclear whether this is the name of the attraction or the act.
- ↑ While most biastophiles express their attraction through consensual roleplay, unlike with agonophilia, consent is not a component of the attraction, a biastophile is attracted to the lack of it. If you don't feel additionally excited by the fact that your rape roleplay partner consented to you, but just make your sex life consensual for ethical reasons, you are a biastophile.
- ↑ Shares name with the kink for being angry or upset.
- ↑ Shares name with the kink for rabies.
- ↑ Sometimes defined as undressing in public
- ↑ Unintentionally shares name with the fetish for unusual anatomy.
- ↑ This does not have to refer to disasters, trivial accidents like breaking a glass are included
- ↑ Most definitions also include lack of consent. However, it may not be inherent to the attraction.
- ↑ Many definitions include sexual topics and sexual words. This may not be inherent to the attraction.
- ↑ This may sound more like a sex act than an attraction, but judging by the form of the word, it is an attraction to the process, not personal engagement with the process.
- ↑ Again, attraction to the action, not doing the action.
- ↑ Same as the above
- ↑ Same as the above number 2.
- ↑ "Obscene phone calls" in some definitions, especially if the term is called "Telephone scatologia".
- ↑ Unintentionally shares name with the grooming kink.
- ↑ In some definitions, gynelophilia specifically refers to pubic hair, and hirsutophilia specifically refers to armpit hair, but it's unclear
- ↑ Alternatively called phallophilia, however as this term is also defined as just attraction to penises, which is consistent with the literal translation, it is not listed here
- ↑ Arguably, a normative preference.
- ↑ Arguably, a normative preference.
- ↑ There is a difference between these terms: armor/padding, jocks/cups, and jersey/shorts /uniform accordingly.
- ↑ This attraction is typically applied to younger men.
- ↑ Sometimes used synonymously with nepiophilia
- ↑ Just like with transvestism, it is possible that this action does not have any paraphiliac motivations. Some people don't "dress their age" for political reasons, due to age dysphoria, or just because this is their style. This word should be used with caution.
- ↑ Snakes in some sources
- ↑ "Aimomixiaphilia" is spelled "amiomixiaphilia" on This is a typo, "αιμομιξία" is "incest" in Greek.
- ↑ Typically, attraction of a father.
- ↑ Literal meaning: "attraction to imitation of men". Older resources, such as the Imgur list, define it as both an attraction to female crossdressers (drag kings) and trans men. Wikipedia editors chose to leave only the second half of the definition. We choose the opposite route, since trans men are not imitating men, but are men themselves.
- ↑ Prefix auto- can be added to any other paraphilia. Typically it has two meanings: 1) being attracted to yourself literally, whether for some features you have or some features you fantasize about having (also called "erotic target identity inversion"), 2) having a reverse paraphilia, where you are the target of some action instead of the doer (e.g. biastophilia - attraction to raping, autobiastophilia - attraction to being raped).
- ↑ Literal meaning: "attraction to imitation of women". Older resources, such as the Imgur list, define it as both an attraction to male crossdressers (drag queens) and trans women. Wikipedia editors chose to leave only the second half of the definition. We choose the opposite route, since trans women are not imitating women, but are women themselves.
- ↑ May require a new term, since the word "hermaphrodite" in reference to intersex people is outdated and largely considered offensive
- ↑ Prefix necro- can be added to other attractions, e.g. necrozoophilia for dead animals
- ↑ May require a separate term, as the comparison seems disrespectful.
- ↑ This label is also used to pathologize nonparaphiliac self expression of trans people.
- ↑ People who find animals attractive, but do not fantasize about having sex with them, are often forced to identify with this label instead of "zoophile". In reality faunoiphilia is under the general zoo umbrella.
- ↑ A sadistic attraction to animals, "zoo BDSM". An identity under the zoo umbrella with additional abuse stigma attached.